COZIP: Outdoor furniture

L’authenticité avant tout : pourquoi nous n'achetons pas de followers

Authenticity above all: why we don't buy followers

Despite numerous requests and unlike many brands, the COZIP team has decided not to buy followers on our social networks.

Authenticity above all: why we don't buy followers

Despite numerous requests and unlike many brands, the COZIP team has decided not to buy followers on our social networks.

Engagement envers l'excellence : Pourquoi nous avons 5 étoiles sur Google Avis

Commitment to excellence: Why we have 5 stars o...

In today's digital world, online reviews play a crucial role in a business's reputation and credibility.

Commitment to excellence: Why we have 5 stars o...

In today's digital world, online reviews play a crucial role in a business's reputation and credibility.

Chez cozip nous respectons l’environnement autant que nos clients !

At cozip we respect the environment as much as ...

And this is why we have decided to pay particular attention to the origin of our raw materials. In a world where the origin of products has become a major...

At cozip we respect the environment as much as ...

And this is why we have decided to pay particular attention to the origin of our raw materials. In a world where the origin of products has become a major...

Innovation COZIP : Un matelas de piscine 2 en 1

COZIP innovation: A 2 in 1 swimming pool mattress

Pleasure, relaxation and laughter are the key words of sunny days by a swimming pool... and even more so on a poolbed!

COZIP innovation: A 2 in 1 swimming pool mattress

Pleasure, relaxation and laughter are the key words of sunny days by a swimming pool... and even more so on a poolbed!

Créer un espace extérieur cocooning : 6 idées COZIP pour être bien chez soi !

Create a cocooning outdoor space: 6 COZIP ideas...

To best arrange outdoor spaces and exploit their potential, it is important to define them...!

Create a cocooning outdoor space: 6 COZIP ideas...

To best arrange outdoor spaces and exploit their potential, it is important to define them...!

Lit extérieur : Le mobilier outdoor original qui allie design et confort !

Outdoor bed: The original outdoor furniture tha...

What's more comfortable than diving into bed. But then, why not enjoy it outdoors? The outdoor bed today seems to be THE ideal solution for relaxing comfortably in the sun....

Outdoor bed: The original outdoor furniture tha...

What's more comfortable than diving into bed. But then, why not enjoy it outdoors? The outdoor bed today seems to be THE ideal solution for relaxing comfortably in the sun....